Official Website of The Japanese Manual Therapy

Theory of YUMEIHO®

The theory of the YUMEIHO® method is grounded on the fact, that over 95% of people have had incorrectly positioned pelvis since their birth.

Most often it means, that one ilium is placed higher than the other. The limb on the higher ilium side is comparatively shorter. Blood circulation in this side is impaired what makes this side weaker. The longer leg, as a stronger and longer one, takes over more of the body weight. Such a situation causes fatigue of that leg. The hip joint slowly moves forward and towards the centre.

The extremities become the same length, and even the leg which was previously longer now becomes shorter. The line running through ilia is not horizontal. The vertebral column inclines towards the shorter leg side. Silhouette moves the body weight in the other direction. The vertebral column bends and forms one arch entering a phase of functional scoliosis. The curve becomes greater because of the body weight. Inclination of the vertebral column in the other direction takes place and it causes a formation of a second arch above the first one.

The formation of two arches of the vertebral column means that a phase of structural scoliosis has been entered. Intervertebral discs slip out because of improper load. Pressure exerted on a nerve causes pain and disturbances of activities of internal organs. Degeneration of the vertebral column joints proceeds and leads to degenerative changes. Almost all the muscles and joints do not function properly, what leads in consequence to irreversible changes.


The process of pathological changes described above shows, that the pelvis is the basis of the whole osteomuscular system. Its proper position plays the most important role. It should be remembered, that even the most professional chiropractic procedures will lead to betterment lasting only for a short period of time if the pelvis remains in its improper position.

On the ground of observations carried out by the ART centre since 1990, it has been ascertained that improper position of a mother’s pelvis provokes the same abnormality of her child. Therefore a correction of a future mother’s pelvis is very important, as well as an early correction of the pelvis position in a child.